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[libcaca] Re: Problem with myman and libcaca : bitmap2

The road to MyMan 0.7 has been longer than expected for a variety of
reasons (busy with work & a young child, lazy, stupid, etc...) and
it's still not quite finished. However, here's what may become the
final 0.7 release:


The biggest differences since the 0.7pre1 version is that it is much
quicker to build and the resulting executable is much smaller (by
almost a factor of 10!) If anyone can try it, I would love to hear of
your experiences.

If others are able to build it and there are no huge problems, I will
rename this to plain "0.7".

To build with libcaca:

$ wget http://zoehep.xent.com/~bsittler/myman-0.7pre3.tar.gz
$ tar -xzvf myman-0.7pre3.tar.gz
$ cd myman-0.7pre3
$ bash ./configure --with-libcaca
$ make

to test it:

$ ./myman
$ ./myman -v kpacman
$ env OPTCURSES_BITMAP=t CACA_DRIVER=x11 CACA_FONT=nil2 ./myman -z
kpac -v kpacman

to install (requires root privileges):

# make install

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