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[libcaca] a conversion script, and patches for libcaca, and ttyvaders

[ brief introduction: i wrote http://geocities.com/bsittler/#myman and
am interested in porting it to libcaca ]

i checked out the latest svn revisions of libcaca and ttyvaders, and lo
and behold -- ttyvaders had been replaced by the "rofl|rofl"
side-scroller! this would not do, so i revived(?) the regular game,
leaving the side-scroller as a pre-intro. this required patches to
libcaca and ttyvaders, and the creation of a new utility -- txt2caca.py
(sorry, it's python rather than c) for conversion from ttyvaders old
text-based animation format to the modern "caca" animation file format.
anyhow, here they are:

txt2caca.py, converter from .txt to .caca:

patch for libcaca ("fixes" multi-frame sprite loading by tweaking the
hotspots and dimensions -- some of the hacks will need to be reviewed by
a more experienced eye):

bugfixes to ttyvaders (appears to work, at least with the X11, ncurses
and slang drivers); this also includes the previously-missing .caca
files in the data directory, so it is a binary diff:

any interest? comments? complaints? criticism? i'd like to hear it all.


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